White House goes green

Untitled 15 White House goes green

Solar energy is coming to President Barack Obama’s house.

The most famous resident of the United States, which has already taken its first steps to green plant a garden, now plans to install in the spring next year’s solar panels to heat water and provide electricity.

Former presidents Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush also used solar systems in some facilities of the house. Carter, in the 1970s, he spent $ 30,000 on a system of water heating by solar energy for the offices in the West Wing, while the supplied systems Bush a building maintenance and parts of the mansion, and heat the pool water.

Obama, an enthusiastic supporter of renewable energy, suffers more and more pressure from the solar energy industry and environmentalists to lead by example by installing a large solar system at the White House.

What’s unclear is how much the project will cost and how much electricity produced by fossil fuels will be needed, since the system has not yet been drawn and the White House would not disclose how much energy is needed to keep the lights lit the president.

Via: The Guardian.


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