Samsung WiMAX2 | November 2

Untitled 17 Samsung WiMAX2 is coming

Samsung WiMAX2, an incredible speed of 330Mbps (megabits per second) was achieved.

Samsung is displaying the technology to the public at CEATEC IT conference in Tokyo, Japan, in partnership with the Japanese provider UQ Communications. One example was the transmission of video via streaming 3D Full HD.

The new standard is an evolution of WiMAX, used by carriers like Clearwire and Sprint to offer wireless in the U.S., but at a much lower rate:

  • up to 5 Mbps.
  • With the formal name of 802.16m,
  • the WiMAX standard

will be finalized by November 2 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics and Electrical (IEEE). Besides being superior to its predecessor in terms of maximum bandwidth, experts expect that it also pressed for stability, with an average of 100 Mbps for downloading data.

However, great as it is guaranteed to speed with the upgrade, consumers should not expect that it covers an area larger than conventional WiMAX – 31 square miles per access point.

Clearwire is the only U.S. company to operate its wireless network in the 802.16e standard, Verizon, AT & T and T-Mobile must follow a different path, since they plan to use another type of technology, LTE, to reach the same quality of high speed internet in two years.

Both WiMAX and LTE should divide the market until 2013, during which the speed of mobile Internet will double every year, resulting in a monthly data traffic of 2.2 million terabytes, according to Cisco.

Via: Samsung.


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