Windows Mobile will regain market share

Untitled 18 Windows Mobile will regain market share

The new Windows Mobile operating system from Microsoft designed for smartphones, regain a market share it lost recently, but remain in the flashlight industry, at least until 2014, according to a study from industry analyst firm IDC.

A positive factor is that Microsoft, the study said, the company will increase its market share over the next five years, but its rivals, except for the Android, will suffer the fall. Google’s platform, by the way, is what else will grow; 51.2%, going from 16.3% to 24.6% penetration.

According to IDC, today, Microsoft’s share in the market for mobile devices is only 6.8%, but will grow 43.3% in five years, reaching 9.8% in 2014. At the same time, Research In Motion (RIM) with its BlackBerry fall 3.5% from 17.9% to 17.3%.

The iPhone will be the biggest loss: 26% reduction, which means a drop in participation from 14.7% for 10.9%. Taking into account the forecast, in 2014, Apple will be just one percentage point above the company founded by Bill Gates.

Symbian, Nokia, will also lose participation; in five years, will lose 18% of the market. Still, will continue to lead the industry, controlling 32.9% of smartphones.

Via: IDC.


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