Asteroid discovery from 1980 – 2010

Untitled 166 Asteroid discovery from 1980   2010

An animation made with data from observatories and amateur astronomers shows the location of all known asteroids in the solar system.

The video begins with the year 1980 and will gradually increase the number of points as the years pass and make new discoveries made.

The new asteroids appear flashing white and appear to “follow” the Earth‘s rotation, they then get a color that indicates their closeness: those that cross the orbit of the planet appear in red, others arriving by less (1.3 times the distance from the Sun to Earth) are yellow, all other, more distant, appear in green.

The video was created with data compiled by the Lowell Observatory. The two numbers on the left represent the year and the number of discovered asteroids, respectively. In 2010, the count of the heavenly bodies is at 530 091.

It is worth remembering that NASA, the American Space Agency, has a monitoring program called Near Earth Object, as the name implies, keeps track of all objects ever detected near the Earth.

see the video:


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