Kensington’s iPad With Bluetooth Qwerty Keypad

kensington keyfolio thumb 550xauto 47316 Kensington’s iPad Case With Bluetooth Qwerty Keypad

Kensington’s new case has a handy built-in Bluetooth QWERTY keypad. Instead of lugging around Apple’s external keyboard, the Kensington Key Folio creates the notebook Apple never made.

If a case is made only for covering it might not have much appeal but add a utility to it and it starts making more sense. Same has been the case with iPad cases. Some of the designers have even embellishes them with crystals and gem stones but they served no purpose apart from looking good. But did they serve any other purpose?

Key Folio’s keys are soft and springy, like a real notebook keyboard. It runs on its own power supply for months on a single charge, Folio has its own micro USB jack. Key Folio is as versatile and adaptable as the . You can turn it off and flip it under so that the iPad faces up.

Via: Dvice


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