USB Port on Standard Wall Socket

Screen shot 2010 09 16 at 4.43.38 PM thumb 550xauto 47447 USB Port on Standard Wall Socket, How Convenient

Now u can plug your USB to your wall and u can listen or do what ever u want But today, we don’t just use standard outlets to plug in our electronics for the precious energy they need so badly. No, a good chunk of our gadgets, especially of the portable variety, charge via USB. And that’s all well and good when you’re sitting at your computer, but what about when you’re not?

This is a common problem that this U-Socket manufacturer has tried to address. He has cleverly stuck a couple of USB ports into a standard wall outlet, giving you some extra options when it comes to delivering the juice to your gizmos. No more adapters or opening up your laptop when it comes to charging your phone — just plug that USB cable right on into the wall. Isn’t that convenient? I am sure the next manufacturer will incorporate more than one type of USB port in the standard wall socket as different gadgets have different USB port.

Via: BetterLivingThroughDesign


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