RIM start using QNX Software in Upcoming Tablet

Fascinating stuff, but not entirely unexpected. As most of you will know, BlackBerry maker Research In Motion is working on a tablet dubbed the BlackPad, and according to several sources reporting to Bloomberg, the device will ship with software written by QNs Software Systems, which RIM purchased earlier this year.

Bloomberg is citing several sources close to the matter (you know, those guys who know everything), and considering it's Bloomberg, it should be pretty reliable stuff. The BlackPad will be pretty similar to the iPad, except that there won't be a cellular version. Without WiFi, you're supposed to hook it up to a mobile phone over BlueTooth (Foleo, anyone?)

It doesn't require a megahuge brain to figure out that QNX' software would find its way onto RIM devices in some form or another, and a tablet seems like a good place to start since it wouldn't be fit for BlackBerry OS anyway. According to the sources, there's simply too much legacy code in there.

Who would've thought that one of my favourite operating systems - in wide use in what I call the real world (medical equipment, weapons systems, nuclear power plants, etc., where toys like Windows NT and Linux have no place) - would eventually find its way onto portable device from a large mobile phone maker?

In any case, the tablet is said to arrive in November.


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