Pterosaurs Really Fly 10,000 Miles Continuously | Pterosaurs weight @ 72 kilos per trip | Pterosaurs

.pterosaurs Could Pterosaurs Really Fly 10,000 Miles Continuously?

Pterosaurs Really Fly 10,000 Miles Continuously at a weight of 72 kilos of fat from the body for a single trip

Pterosaurs, winged reptiles the height of a giraffe, with bulky bodies could fly 10,000 miles without landing anywhere, from one continent to the other.

This giant bird used to fly with the help of upward warm air currents and also by flapping its wingspan of 30 feet, then relaxing its muscles for a few minutes and glide effortlessly without any power.

Most probably their narrow and long shaped wings, resembling that of an eagle were good enough to glide and also wide enough to lift their heavy bodies. To fly over long distances, they might have needed energy to burn 72 kilos of fat from the body for a single trip.

Around 70 million years ago, in the periods between the (dinosaurs) Jurassic and Cretaceous, pterosaurs were four limbed animals, with around 400 pounds.

According to the assumed previous study, as pterosaurs had heavy body, they were not able to fly except running and walking.

Now researchers figure that they could have moved to different continents in spite of their heavy bodies by ‘unsteady dynamics’ – the means by which birds move in the air effortlessly!

Via: Daily Mail


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