Nokia E-Cu Uses Heat and Copper for Power | Nokia E-Cu | nokia Heat and Copper for Power

Nokia E Cu radiator Nokia E Cu Phone Design Uses Heat and Copper for Power

Here’s a Copper Phone Design that will at least take up the baton of one important task out of your stressful lives.

Nokie E Cu back Nokia E Cu Phone Design Uses Heat and Copper for Power

Worked upon by Patrick Hyland, Copper Phone is the epitome of his vision dubbed as “charger-free cell phone future.” He also says that chargers alone produce a humongous 51000 tons of waste annually. He hence proposed a phone that charges with heat conducted through its back copper skin.

This skin transmits heat to a thermogenerator inside and then producing electricity when the phone is placed on a radiator or inside a pocket. The outer skin is engraved with small heatsinks, mimicking a sun-baked, dry earth pattern. More so, the pattern is impeccable and forget diminishing, this cell phone will bolster your style quotient.

Nokia E Cu 1 Nokia E Cu Phone Design Uses Heat and Copper for Power

The phone is called Nokia E-Cu where E is for Environment and Cu being the chemical symbol for Copper. No word on its price and availability but whenever this thing hits the retail shelves, it will undoubtedly sell as HOT CAKES!

Via: Core77


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