Berkeley Bionics Unveils An All New Exo-skeleton For The Disabled

elegs exoskeleton Berkeley Bionics Unveils An All New Exoskeleton For The Disabled

One such interesting invention is the all new eLEGS exoskeleton, which has been designed and developed by Berkeley Bionics in California. The eLEGS exoskeleton has been created keeping in the mind the hurdles faced by the physically disabled, especially the paraplegics.

With the continuing breakthroughs in the field of medical science, there has been an immense focus on innovations that, can provide innovative ways for the disabled to achieve certain levels of mobility.

This incredible new contraption can aid those who can move themselves in and out of the wheelchairs, by providing them with an harness that would help them in standing and even walking, though such users would require crutches to walk. The eLEGS exoskeleton can be easily donned over the clothes and accommodate a user with a maximum weight of 100 kgs and a height of 6’4”.

Technology used :

The exoskeleton comes with an embedded computer system, that senses user gestures and makes eLEGS respond to those gestures in real time. This amazing innovation can achieve a maximum speed of 3.22 km/h and carries a batter life of about six hours of normal use. The eLEGS exoskeleton is scheduled for clinical trials in the year

2011 and could very well be introduced in limited select American rehabilitation clinics by the first half of 2011.


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