The new Alarm Pillow

wake up Start your Day to the Buzz of your Alarm Pillow

Gone are the days when waking up in the mornings meant waking up to the conventional annoying alarm tones set on either your alarm clocks or mobile phones. 21st century has better things to offer. Experience technology at its best -the Alarm Pillow, which is yet another addition to the overflow of uber cool gizmos.

wake up2 Start your Day to the Buzz of your Alarm Pillow

The Alarm Pillow gently wakes you up at the prescribed hour with a buzz. The traditional snooze button present in alarm clocks has been preserved as well. Your head weight would act as the snooze trigger here if you aren’t out of your bed.]

wake up4 Start your Day to the Buzz of your Alarm Pillow

This new age Alarm Pillow is quite an intellectual. Designed by Seung Jun Jeong is indeed a thoughtful invention. When you have two people on the same bed who start their work at different times, it is insensitive to wake up the other person. Alarm Pillow can come to the rescue here. It is a must have for heavy sleepers like me as well as those who are habituated to sleep with their ear plugs on.

Via: YankoDesign


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