Intelligent traffic lights system

Untitled 124 The intelligent traffic lights system

In an article also in process of publication, two European researchers have a new way of managing the traffic lights in major cities, where they make decisions on their own and communicate with each other.

According to the website Alpha Galileo, the United States alone due to delays in transit can cost $ 100 billion every year, generating even wasting 10 billion gallons of fuel.

Researchers Stefan Lamm, University of Technology Dresden, Germany, and Dirk Helbing of the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), Zurich, showed that the idea of controlling traffic at the traffic lights may have a new approach. Currently, most systems makes the cycling of the lights on a regular basis, opening and shutting the lights at fairly constant intervals. But what the two researchers say that is less ordered patterns can dramatically reduce the time that the cars are stopped at a red light, reducing therefore the traffic.

Today, the most common method of organizing the traffic is to set the times of opening and closing of the semaphore in accordance with the known patterns of traffic (in certain regions and times), requiring, however, engineers and supercomputers for it.

Lamm and Helbin created a system that allows the lights “communicate” with each other, automatically adjusting the time according to the flow of cars at each location, the site explains Planet Green. Sensors detect the number of vehicles and a chip estimates the flow of vehicles in the near future, determining the time that the lighthouse may be open or closed.

The system is connected and actions in one place are perceived by others. Thus, the system as a whole acts to increase the efficiency of the flow of cars.

Via: Alpha Galileo.


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