Playhouse an annual fundraiser by Home Aid

6a00d8341c67ce53ef0133f2e17d95970b 500wi Ocean Adventure Lab is the Green Entry for Home Aid’s Fundraiser

Project Playhouse, an annual fundraiser by Home Aid has an interesting entry this year. It is called the Ocean Adventure lab. It is the result of collaboration between LPA Inc. who came up with the design and Turner Construction who actually built it. As apart of the fundraiser the Ocean Adventure Lab will be auctioned off in early September. You can have a look at it and appreciate the sustainable elements used in creating it, as it is on display at the Irvine Spectrum Centre.

It was a conscious effort on the part of the designers and builders to create as much of sustainable elements as possible. The Lab was built with reclaimed and recycled materials, natural wool insulation, a composite wood structure, energy-efficient lighting and LEDs, recycled content panels and siding by Trex Accents and Black Label photovoltaic from Suntech.

To encourage such green practice the local green building chapter will bestow an honorary certification with a bamboo plaque on the project team later this month. LPA estimates have put the cost of constructing the Lab between $8,000 and $10,000. It should be able to raise at least three times that amount at the charity auction on September 10, 2010.


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