HTML5 Web Standard | Adopted By Adobe Systems | Adobe Illustrator CS5

adobe HTML5 Web Standard Now Adopted By Adobe Systems For Adobe Illustrator CS5

One of the biggest names in the field of web designing, Adobe Systems, has it seems finally realized the importance of the emerging HTML5 web standard, as the company has now released an all new add on package for the Adobe Illustrator CS5 product, that would enable the developers to successfully export their designs to Internet and as well as mobile device platform. The developers will be able to create and use designs developed in the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) version 3 as well as the HTML5 Canvas element. Furthermore, such designs will now also be able to be developed in the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) XML image format and projected on various platforms such as web pages, smartphones and tablets.

Although, Adobe has generally been seen expanding and propagating its very own Adobe Flash format, yet it seems that, the company has finally accepted the potential diversity that the HTML5 standard provides. With the help of the HTML5 pack, developers will be able to create a design in CSS using Illustrator and then export its to a web page. However, as the CSS will not able to support all the capabilities of Illustrator, the designers would be forced to switch back and forth between the web format and their original designs for comparison and editing.

Via PC World


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