Computer and Sensor Embedded Surfboard

Four mechanical engineering graduates from University of California thought of applying science to augment their surfboarding experience. They installed a computer and eight velocity sensors on a surfboard. These would aid in registering the speed at which the board skims along the water. The data then would be sent back to laptop wirelessly which could be alternatively saved in an internal memory card.

Embedded sensors measure both the water flow speed and the amount that surfboard bends. By analyzing these stats, the students will understand how boards change shape due to friction with water and how that flexibility affects their performance. These are actually the two key issues which stir up a lot of debate in the surfing community.

If this concept catches on, it would unleash a new era in sea surfing experience. The team intends to discover the optimum amount of bend and consequently build a state-of-the-art surfboard.

Via: Gizmag


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