Stanford University students Laptop | laptop that can be diassembled easily | stanford university diassembled laptop | Bloom laptop design Aaron Eng

Students from Stanford University for the Bloom laptop design. What is so special about this laptop? Well, it can be disassembled into its various components. This enables it to be recycled with ease. Many a times, the computer contains some precious items, but cannot be recycled. But recycling them becomes possible after disassembling them into smaller pieces.stanfordlaptop lead Stanford University students create a Laptop that can be easily diassembled

Aaron Engel-Hall who was the brain behind this project said software often during the ideation phase to experiment with the design.

We created 3D shapes to represent the hardware we had to design around, and the parametric design of Inventor software let me put in different parameters so that all the model dimensions would update immediately.”


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