A6 a Powerful Quad Processors To Apple iPad 3 iphone 5

Apple inc is gonig to release is new processor A6 in to market with its ipad3 next generation to be running Apple iOS 5 and will be powered by a rumored quad core processor. Apple’s competitors are currently experimenting with quad core processors to bring their own iPad killers. This all new processor that could just as easily be called Apple A6 is going to prove to be a significant advancement in mobile computing technology.

A6 processor to Apple ipad3
A6 processor may be an integral part in the iphone 5.The primary reason being that the quad core processors generate a lot of heat and would be unsuitable for use in the tight space of the iPhone 5. 

iPhone 5 could just as easily come with the latest generation Apple A5 processor that is powering the iPad 2.

This incredible new product is a quad-core mobile processor that can provide realistic graphics off of mobile devices and this one of a kind processor is expected to make its way to tablets running Google Android OS.


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