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Alarm Compass Evacuation Of Crowded Places Becomes More Organized With ‘Alarm Compass’ System

Whether it be a movie theater, a baseball stadium or an amusement park, mass hysteria and panic leads to more destruction and loss than the actual activity that had set off the evacuation of the venue.

However, now designer Mathieu Azema has come out with an interesting concept, that would not only alert the people of the possibility of a dangerous situation, but will also aid in the completion of a methodical evacuation of any given area. Called, the Alarm Compass,

This nifty little device sounds an auditory alarm at the time of a crisis and also provides direction in audio-visual format for the crowd to take a cue from and assist in an orderly evacuation.

The Alarm Compass could prove to be beneficial especially to the hearing impaired people, who would be able to follow the visual directions and get to safety at the time of crisis, while the general public will also be able to organize themselves, thereby averting any kind of a pandemonium.


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