Medical Robots: The Next Age Of Highly Accurate And On The Spot Medical Care

telepresence robots Medical Robots: The Next Age Of Highly Accurate And On The Spot Medical Care

Robots have for some time now been successfully deployed by the military and various law enforcement agencies to scout for dangers and accomplish tasks that would prove to be near fatal for humans, such as disarming bombs etc. As these machines become more sophisticated to the level of having an artificial intelligence (AI) capability, the next logical step was to make their optimum use in the field of medical science. InTouch Health, a company specializing in the field of telemedicine robots has been actively working with Dr. John Whapham, a nuerologist at the Loyola University, to make these telemedicine and telepresence robots become a part of the healthcare infrastructure across the U.S.

No so long ago, the concept of a robot handling and providing essential medical attention to a patient might not have been too far fetched, but most definitely a dream, that many didn’t know would be realized so soon. As the technology advances and breakthroughs become a near common occurrence in the field of medicine and robotics, there has sprung a new breed of mechanical doctors, that have been aiding and assisting medical professionals in providing urgent and life saving medical care to emergency cases as well as to patients with complex conditions.

According to Dr. John Whapham,


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