Instant Drug Detector

Untitled 118 Instant Drug Detector coming soon

British scientists announced the development of a new sensor that will be able to measure levels of drugs in minutes, making police work to become faster.

The biosensor, called Vantix and developed by Universal Sensors Ltd, will be able to identify levels of marijuana and cocaine by analyzing a drop of saliva from the individual, in just five minutes. Since there is no sound methods to prove that motorists are under the influence of drugs, and blood tests are generally not made by the police, Vantix should expedite this process of identifying drivers who have used drugs.

According to the website of the Daily Mail, Vantix sensor was developed for the Police, it checks for drivers under the influence of drugs possibly could be accomplished more quickly. Still, nothing prevents it from using more concerned parents in their children.

Kevin Auton, Universal Sensors, believes the device will have major impacts on society, in regard to the Telegraph site. Auton notes that the United States has become common for parents to remove hair and saliva samples to submit to drug testing laboratory. He believes this is a great market, where the British also want to supervise their children. The company guarantees that it will produce 30 million sensors a year.

The Vantix, very similar to pregnancy tests pharmacy, will cost £ 1.50. The researchers believe that it should be available in two years.

Via: Daily Mail.


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