Soladey-J3X::Toothbrushes Will Reduce Your Visits to Your Dentist

Its time to throw away those ancient toothbrushes that you have been using since the chalcolithic age.

Soladey-J3X has a solar panel which absorbs the solar energy and uses it to generate a beam of electrons which in turn catalyses a chemical reaction in the mouth kills cent percent bacteria.

Dr. Gerry Uswak and Dr. Kunio Komiyama led a team of generous scientists to come up with this creation and must say that this is going to be their gift to mankind and this is no exaggeration as talking about happy gums and no plaque related oral problems!

These toothbrushes have made the ritual of brushing teeth as quick as a wink! toothbrushes use electron beam to kill bacteria and hence they wards off all oral problems.

Currently, these toothbrushes are doing rounds in the market for a customer follow-up, but soon they will hit the stores.

via: tgdaily


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