revolution of games on mobiles platforms is coming

It seems that Sony Ericsson is preparing a new release that could revolutionize how games run on current mobile platforms. Rumors suggest that the company is working on a new device that would be a hybrid between the PSP portable game and a smartphone with Android operating system, says the web site Geeky Gadgets.

Although no details were disclosed about the configuration of the supposed device, expected it to use the latest version of Android (3.0, also known as Gingerbread) and follow a very friendly environment for games, based on a 1GHz processor Snapdragon , according to D vice site.

The Engadget attempted a simulation of how it would be possible that Sony‘s device – probably would be one slide, but instead of embedding a QWERTY keyboard at the base, there would be included controls similar to those used in the PSP.

This device has everything to become a huge hit for gamers and geeks around the world.


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