New technology for bone regeneration

Untitled 159 New technology for bone regeneration

Doctoral student Sybel Saska, Institute of Chemistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Araraquara campus, was honored during the 88th International Association for Dental Research General Session, held in July in Barcelona.

Sybel, featuring Doctoral Scholarship from FAPESP, was among the top five for the work entitled New [bacterial cellulose-collagen]-hydroxyapatite nanocomposite with growth factors for bone regeneration.

According to Reinaldo Marchetto, Professor of Chemistry Institute of Unesp, Araraquara campus, and lead researcher of biomaterial research brings important advances in relation to currently existing in the market.

The biomaterial is composed of some components of the bones, such as collagen (protein) and hydroxyapatite (inorganic agent) deficient in calcium, and bacterial cellulose membrane.

Synthesized by bacteria of the genus Gluconacetobacter, cellulose served as a biomaterial matrix to generate the structure with nanometer (billionth of a meter), since the bacteria synthesize cellulose fibers in a web of wires of that size.

The production of bacterial cellulose has been used in several areas. A major application is in use as a temporary substitute of human skin in cases of burns and other medical or dental procedures.

Via: Info.


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