Machine Designed to Smoke Cigarettes

Now a days machine started smoking .They are desinged in such a way that it can smoke 20-30 in 1 hour

Myskja has come with a bizarre looking contraption aptly named as the Smoking machine. The design and sculpture of the machine is weird but weirdest of all is that the machine literally smokes cigarettes. The brass framework of the machine looks somewhat complicated which notably features a set of cigarettes. These cigarettes are gravity fed onto a holder which is inclined at a vertical angle.

The machine is electrically driven and the cigarette is lit from the holder subsequently. As soon as the first cigarette gets over the next one is queued and ready to be lit. An air valve is present at the corner for the passage of the smoke. The device then expels the cigarette and the ashes onto the floor making way for the succeeding one to be loaded.


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