“Air-Clean” : Reducing Nitrogen Oxide in the Atmosphere and Improve Air Quality

Germany has been facing the problem of air pollution owing to concentration of nitrogen oxide surpassing the maximum permitted levels. Sources suggest that the road traffic is the principle reason behind soaring levels of this harmful gas. The Baroque City of Fulda in Hesse took the baton of fighting air pollution and came up innovative paving slabs that reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide in the air.

These special paving slabs would come coated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles which would convert harmful substances such as nitrogen oxides into nitrates. Titanium dioxide being a photocatalyst utilizes sunlight to accelerate a naturally occurring chemical reaction. The slabs would be first laid through the length of Petersberger Straße where pollution levels are recorded above the annual mean limit of of 40 micrograms per cubic meter.

The innovative “Air Clean” paving slabs were developed by F. C. Nüdling Betonelemente and the project has been funded by the German Environment Foundation. These slabs were previously used in Italian cities and results showed that they help in improving air quality.

Via: Innovations-Report/ScienceDaily


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