Audi Unveils Conceptual & Futuristic AUDI Trimaran Yacht | AUDI Trimaran Yacht

Audi, along with designer Stephanie Behringer have now come up with a fantastic concept for a futuristic looking yacht, named AUDI Trimaran Yacht.

AUDI Trimaran Yacht 2 Audi Unveils The Conceptual & Futuristic AUDI Trimaran Yacht

Luxurious concept trimaran yacht will be powered by two AUDI TDI (turbo-charged injection) diesel engines and the integrated jet skis are designed to be electric powered and the boat can reach as much as 6 knots while being driven in slow speed . During speeds in excess of 30 knots the AUDI Trimaran Yacht automatically switches to diesel engines.

AUDI Trimaran Yacht Audi Unveils The Conceptual & Futuristic AUDI Trimaran Yacht

The diesel engine when in use are equally supported by the boat’s electric power that not only enables the yacht to cruise at high speeds without using too much fuel, but also the diesel engine recharge the batteries of the jet skis. The deck of this marvelous yacht can accommodate as many as 12 people and to make room for more, the occupants simply have to flip down a saloon table located in one of the decks.

AUDI Trimaran Yacht 3 Audi Unveils The Conceptual & Futuristic AUDI Trimaran Yacht

AUDI Trimaran Yacht comes with huge panoramic glass roof that serves as a shield against the head winds and direct sunlight.

Stephanie Behringer has also envisioned the inclusion of a storage space on the yacht that can be used to stow equipment like snorkel, fins etc.


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